I believe...

A story that is “Intertwined”
As a young girl, I experienced the challenges and losses that many of you can relate to. But when you’re young, you have no perspective of loss, only the capacity to react to it. Unfortunately, the pain hung heavy with me for too long. I walked a fine line between trying to appear as though I believed in myself and attempting to quiet the inner voices that told me I was nothing special. I was sure anything remarkable would be unavailable to me.

Yes, I enjoyed success. A lot of it. I had many wonderful triumphs and thrilling moments, and grew up to be an outwardly confident woman without many knowing my inner heartbreaks.

But the dark feelings of my childhood cast a shadow upon everything by blocking out the light that was rightfully mine to lay claim to.

Fast forward into midlife and things got more difficult to hide. After a debilitating bout with depression, a health condition, and many other losses that seemed to pile up endlessly, I realized living a life disconnected to any kind of personal power would eventually take my health and my relationships away. I had to decide whether I would reconcile the past by eliminating my future, or by recreating it. It was time to decide if I was going to turn inward and walk away from everything, or embrace once and for all the notion that I am an heir to everything.

The act of believing the latter was healing in ways you cannot imagine.
Through these defining moments I have cultivated the desire to take my rightful place in the universe. By accepting my journey I can see everything I’ve encountered should be truly celebrated. It taught me what I needed to know to help myself and help others see what can be.

Of course it is still a choice whether to cross this new bridge, or simply to stare at it. I choose to cross. And I choose to invite you along. Let me share with you what I believe.


I believe in the magic of the human spirit. I believe all of us are already connected to everything that is good, wise and whole. It is our birthright and we have unlimited power, simply by virtue of our existence, to have power over our lives and everything in it no matter how out of reach our culture tells us it is, or how limited our self belief may be. The purpose of consciousness is so that we KNOW we’re connected and meant to be here!

I believe that all women deserve to understand that they carry with them this wholeness. It is my belief that NO woman should feel that her journey is destined to be mediocre or that she inherently has nothing to offer. I want women to own the feeling of being unique, and beautiful. We all need to believe we have the power to craft a life that is of our own making, without fear of being shunned for our gender, our intuition, or our experience.

What I also know to be true is that all of us can experience life at the level to which we feel complete, and that in doing so we can and should feel inspired, significant and safe.
I also believe, and this is the foundation of my desire to invite you into Intertwined, is that all of these timeless principles, i.e. the entire human experience, are very much a metaphor for wine and the overall soul of the vineyard.

Why? It turns out that almost all of the elements of the grape growing and the making of wine are significantly similar to our journey as women. In addition, it is part of a parable that has existed for thousands of years symbolizing everything from art and self expression, to enlightenment, health even prosperity! When one becomes a student of wine, at ANY level, a view opens up pointing us to this notion: That the wisdom and peace we seek is beautifully, timelessly, and effortlessly illustrated in all phases by the poetic, simple, and organic symbol of wine.
Because we are all connected, we are all a part of each other’s dreams and experiences. Our Intertwined community of women seeks to elevate the feminine, as well celebrate our inherent ability to be intuitive and nurturing, through education, support, and friendship. This conscious movement can, I believe even change the world. We can learn to have more satisfying lives, have more fulfilling family units, gain more confidence in our communities, bring more charity to business, own more clarity in our goals, find more loyalty with relationships, and even increase wellness and self discovery. We will use Intertwined as a lens to see hope and connection, to build a bridge to confidence and forgiveness, and as a tool of change and discovery.

Join us.